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Enough Dreaming! Start Doing!!

“The bridge between where you are now and where you are heading is ACTION. Stop Dreaming! Start Taking Action!” Adeola Kingsley James

Jayden dreams of owning the biggest socks company in the country and he had thought of starting the company right from his garage, but his fear was if anyone was going to buy it or if the company would even survive the first two years.

Funmi’s dream is to be an amazing sales strategist, but she doubts if her skills are enough to make any sales more so being a strategist for people to learn from.

Andrew has a great idea to move his company to the next level, but he is afraid the executives may not support it.

In all, we have all been in situations where we have great dreams, and great ideas but we fail to take a step out of fear and also doubting ourselves.

Dreaming is phenomenal and, in this context, it means imagination- the ability to form a picture in the mind’s eye, of something that has not yet manifested.

Dreaming is the key to winning in life!

A lot of people have great dreams, great goals, great plans, and amazing vision boards for the year, but they stop at that level and never achieve what they’ve dreamed of and planned towards. “The bridge between where you are now and where you are heading is ACTION.”

Dreaming is great, but just as knowledge is power only when it is applied thereby becoming wisdom; so also dreams become powerful when they’re birthed.

Your dreams will help you set great goals. Keep dreaming! Keep setting the big C-type goals that you have no clue on how to achieve. Don’t just have goals that you know how to achieve, because if you only stop at setting goals you can achieve, you won’t be inspired to go farther. Set big goals! Don’t get too bothered about the how to achieving the goals, that is for God (if you believe in Him); or the universe to work out and open up to you.

Dream big! But don’t just stop at the dreaming/imagining level. Take steps to achieve what and who you’ve dreamed/imagined. You are the only one who can manifest greatness in you. Don’t kill it before it arrives in the world.

Don’t be a dreamer forever. Be a doer. Birth out those great ideas you have and let the world be impacted by them. Enough Dreaming! Start Doing!


I’ve got a video on my YouTube channel on this intriguing topic. In this video, I shared more insights into this topic. Go watch the video on my YouTube Page using the link below.


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