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Personal Development and Performance Management

“If you want to get the best out of yourself, then you need to invest well in your personal development.” Adeola Kingsley James

The idea of personal development refers to an enduring process that encourages individuals to examine themselves, and their goals and upskill to accomplish a higher potential.

Investing in personal development can sometimes be difficult as you’ll need to give yourself to change. But then personal development will help you develop your potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, and enhance the quality of your life and the realization of your dreams and aspirations. With personal development, you work to be a better version of yourself every day.

Personal development skills are the qualities that stimulate you to grow both professionally and personally. Personal development is much larger than just career development. It includes all facets of your life where you’d like to see personal growth.

In evaluating your growth, you need to ask yourself “What am I doing daily to make myself a better person and bring an increase to myself and all around me?

Another way to invest in yourself is to look for opportunities to improve your skills on and off the job. What are those areas you can grow in: relationship, finance, communication, leadership, negotiation, thoughtfulness, analytical skills, managerial skills, and lots more? Taking courses or attending seminars in these areas will help make you a better person.

The importance of personal growth cannot be undermined, as it allows individuals to become the best versions of themselves, giving them the skills and confidence necessary to navigate any situation and become productive and efficient at the workplace and in life generally.

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