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“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” Confucius 

Reading books is one of the factors that have helped many people around the world in different ways and in different spheres of life. It helps you grow mentally, makes you intelligent, increases your memory power, and most importantly helps you to focus. 

Reading itself doesn’t lead to success but how you apply the knowledge you gained whilst reading enhances your chances of success. 

Reading books is an art which everyone must learn. It’s not hard, yet for some it can be the hardest, because most of us find it difficult to just sit back and read for hours, even though it is a beneficial way of gaining knowledge, as knowledge is a never-ending prospect.  Reading allows you to learn from the mistakes and successes of others. It also makes you creative, imaginative, and smart among other things; helping you achieve success faster. 

Many times, people find it difficult to put into action what they read because they couldn’t gain anything from what they read due to distractions (in the environment or the mind). If you ever find yourself in this spot, do this one thing. When you decide to read a book, try to calm your mind, and read without uttering any words from your mouth, and avoid distractions. Reading out loudly or in a distractive environment won’t help you understand the concept. 

Reading in the mind helps to focus. It might seem hard at the start but with practice it becomes easy. This process allows you to concentrate and improves your memory. Meditation is a good way to calm your mind and body and books are one of the ways to meditate. 

Roles of Reading in Achieving Success: 

  1. Reading changes your brain for the better:  According to research, the brain is in an elastic form, and it can contain a lot of things. Until we begin to stretch the brain, we don’t know how many functions the brain can carry out. Reading helps to broaden our ability and changes the brain for the better.
  2. Reading builds greater understanding: Learning from the experience of successful people helps you to understand things better and you are able to make better decisions regarding steps to take to be successful.
  3. Reading boosts motivation: By reading about the struggles of other in their journey to become successful, you get motivated and energized to keep going despite the problems you are experiencing at the moment.
  4. Reading success improves confidence: The how-to knowledge you get in books facilitates you to utilize the correct methods and follow the correct techniques in pursuing your goals.

 So, whatever you want to achieve before deeming yourself successful, start reading books about the topic; read the life stories of people who have already achieved what you are striving to achieve; find how-to books to assist you with every step on your journey to success. 

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