We Sit, You Speak; We Ignite, You Shine
Hello, amazing people!
I want to say thank you for your reviews on my blogs. It means a lot to me
In my previous blog post, I discussed the dangers of COMPARISON.
I mentioned that one source of sadness is comparison and that comparison is also the thief of all joy.
I also pointed out that “you are more than enough”. Quit comparing your growth or success with others, you are an embodiment of greatness.
In this blog post, I’ll be discussing COMPETITION.
Comparison births Competition.
It is widely believed that to be the best, you must compete with others. Society has made success and failure a personality. Competing can make you feel like a failure when things don’t go the way you expect them to go.
Dangers of Unhealthy Competition
- Judgmental
- Jealousy
- Envy
- Bitterness
- Strife
Being competitive with other people does not bring about happiness of any form. The only person you should be in competition with is your former self.
As women, sometimes we are silently competing with one another. We secretly wish that we are in the shoes of other people instead of being grateful for them and for where we are.
It is okay to want to be the best or one of the best but do it with the consciousness that you are unique and so is everyone else.
Never compete with others. You are uniquely created with different features and purposes so do not compete with others. Understand that there’s only ONE of you on earth and your assignment here on earth is different from others.
So rather than competing, collaborate, connect with others, and create a community where everyone brings their uniqueness to the table. Instead of competing to be better than others, collaborate with them. As the saying goes “no man is an island of knowledge”, we all have our unique strengths. Collaboration helps to bring out the best in everyone.
Most importantly, carefully choose your friends/community. Ensure that any community you want to be a part of is the one that builds you and helps you become a better version of yourself.