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Self Care: Embracing simplification in roles

Amelia is a striving and industrious woman just as her name implies. She is a woman who juggles so many responsibilities in her life and it’s no wonder she found herself feeling overwhelmed always.

She had just gone through a difficult and draining divorce process and still battling for support from her ex at the court to take care of her 3 kids.

She found out that her mother broke her knee and had to undergo surgery, and her kid brother got arrested for theft which he knew nothing about. She had to support every one of them and was spending so much time and energy ensuring that everyone was safe and living well and had forgotten to pour any time or energy into caring for herself.

She was totally worn out, exhausted, emotionally spent, and completely overwhelmed. The whole stress took a toll on her and she was gradually getting into depression.

Amelia knew she needed a better way to process all of the things that life was throwing her way and to gain insights into her feelings and how to move forward after her divorce while still being a mother to her children, daughter to her mother, and a sister to her siblings and it just seems like a lot of work to do.

She decided to spend time alone away from all her troubles, but it wasn’t working out and she ended up struggling with feelings of guilt for taking any time at all for herself when there was always so much to do. She needed support to help her manage the anxiety and stress she has and that wasn’t found at the spa or the gym.

Looking for a way out, she discovered that she couldn’t wear all these caps at the same time, then she decided to seek to sustain balance in her life by playing each role at a time, and she did one step at a time with positivity.

She understood that she could be more selective about what things she said yes to and what responsibilities she took on. Her plate is already very full and it’s okay to tell others she can’t do something for them, or that some things around the house might not get done right away. She could care a little bit less about the little things that tend to stress her often, focus on what matters to her and rest day-to-day.

After much practice with these simple self-care tips, she was able to let go of all the guilt she felt about saying no to things or individuals that she could no longer accommodate. She felt encouraged to feel good about prioritizing herself because she realized if she didn’t take care of herself she would end up unable to take care of those she loved when they needed her.

Self-care is knowing that you cannot wear all the caps at the same time.

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