
We Sit, You Speak; We Ignite, You Shine

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Self-love means having a high regard for your well-being and happiness. It means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others and not settling for less than you deserve.

Self-love implies that you accept yourself as you are and for everything that you are. Although it may sound selfish, self-love is not selfish, rather it is appreciating yourself, hugging yourself, praising you and doing these and more are essential to your mental health and well-being.

Loving yourself sets the standard for the relationships you have with other people. A lack of self-love could make you dysfunctional and could make you attract dysfunctional people.

Your self-worth is weighed by your self-love. The level of your self-love determines how you value, appreciate, and be true to yourself, and others.

Five Ways to Develop Self-love

  1. Avoid comparison: You are more than enough so stop comparing your growth or success with others.
  2. Be grateful: Gratitude helps you to see beyond who you are or what you have now. Staying in a place of gratitude, means your view to life is different. You see things and people and situations from a thankful view, having no reasons for complaint.
  3. Acknowledge your weakness, but focus on your strength: The reason why many people keep going around the circles in life is that they’ve failed to acknowledge and accept their weaknesses. Your weakness does not connote your downfall or failure. If only you can acknowledge your weakness and the other person focus on their strength which happens to be your your weakness, you can collaborate so as to focus on your strength and allow the other focus on theirs.
  4. Never compete with others: You are uniquely created with different features and purposes so do not compete with others. Understand that there’s only ONE of you on earth and your assignment here on earth is different from others.
  5. Collaborate often with others: Instead of competing to be better than others, collaborate with them. As the saying goes “no man is an island of knowledge”, we all have our unique strengths. Collaboration helps to bring out the best in everyone.

Self-love is the first step to having emotional wellness

Your self-worth is weighed by your self-love. The level of your self-love determines how you value, appreciate, and be true to yourself, and others. Do not allow the words of others to navigate your life. YOU are the anchor of your happiness and joy, no one else.

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