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The Place of Time Management

Personal productivity is efficiently accomplishing tasks that brings you closer to your goals while maintaining balance across key areas of your life. It is also all about prioritizing the right things to achieve your goals without succumbing to burnout. Whether the goal is getting more money or achieving a perfect work-life balance, the more productive you are, the faster you can achieve your goal, and the more satisfied you’ll feel at the end of it. For effective personal productivity, you need to understand time management.
Time management is the strategy of planning out your available time and controlling the amount of time you spend on specific tasks to work more efficiently. Effective time management comes easier to some people than to others, but everyone can develop habits to improve their time management skills.
The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to maximizing your productivity is that it begins with a shift in mindset. All the time management apps or productivity tracking software in the world won’t make a difference if you are not determined to be more productive.

Maximizing Personal Productivity:

  1. Become aware of your workload and your feelings as this will help you understand and improve your productivity.
  2. Create stepping stones to try and achieve your ideal day. Most times we assume that we can achieve the vision in our head just by wishing for it. Don’t try to do everything at once. Instead, work out a strategy to make it happen, then go through it step-by-step.
  3. Set for yourself a productivity plan (to-do list) for each day. It helps you visualize your priorities so that if extra work arises, you’ll instantly know where it slots into your schedule or not.
  4. Always get the big stuff out of the way early. If there’s a task looming over you, be sure to tackle it as early as you can in the day or week. Getting your most stressful job done can help you feel much more positive about approaching the other things on your to-do list.
  5. If you feel overwhelmed looking at the big pile of a project, try breaking it down into lots of smaller responsibilities and tell yourself you choose to do the job and you choose to enjoy it also.
  6. Learn to reward yourself with small incentives. For every task you tick off your to-do list, give yourself a treat. Whether it’s a 10-minute screen break, a drink, or a few minutes scrolling your social media feed, you’ll feel much more incentivized to complete your work quicker if something is waiting for you at the end.
  7. Taking a break helps with everything from concentration to reducing stress.
  8. When you find yourself with too much to do, find someone to help you, or better yet, find a way to let technology do the work for you – like using a bot to send and collect survey results, for example.

The more motivation you have, the quicker you’ll get your work done, and the only way to get your work done effectively and efficiently is through proper time management. Avoid multitasking, use planning tools, get rid of time-wasting sources such as phones and unexpected visitors, and make sure to take out some time to rest and discover more about yourself.

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