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Time and Stress Management

One of the key enhancers of our productivity is how we utilize our time. Time management involves the right allocation of time for those important things you want and need to do. It helps you decide which things are urgent and which can wait.

Learning how to manage your time, activities, and commitments can look like a stressful endeavor, but doing so will make life easier, less stressful, and more meaningful for you.

Being able to manage time and, in turn, stress is essential for a healthy body and mind.

Tips for time and stress management

1. Learn to say ‘No’ to tasks that you feel pressured to do. Unless the task is truly important and urgent.

2. Always organize a realistic schedule. Plan your schedule before your week starts and make sure all the tasks you include are realistic, attainable, and flexible.

3. Create a prioritized To-Do list. Put the most important or urgent things at the top of the list while other things come below.

4. Inculcate the habit of planning. Think about what you have to accomplish, and come up with an action plan to guide you through the workload with minimal stress. Don’t let important tasks build up because they’ll be more stressful to handle in a time-crunched situation.

5. Avoid time-wasting activities like gossip, watching videos at the wrong time, and surfing the internet while you’re supposed to finish the task at hand. Do away with procrastination. Procrastination is one key enhancer of stress.

6. Learn to take breaks between tasks so as not to overwork yourself mentally and physically.

7. Expect positive outcomes in new situations and be grateful for the good things in your life.

8. Take care of your body and mind: eat healthy food, drink enough water each day, exercise enough, sleep well, relax and laugh often.

Remember, health is wealth!

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