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Change Your Words, Change Your Life: Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

Did you know that the words you speak are creative? And even more importantly, did you know that the thoughts you think are creative? Take a moment to let that sink in. It’s crucial to understand that the thoughts we think, especially those we repeat to ourselves, shape the life we live.

Our minds are incredibly powerful, playing a significant role in determining our reality. This realization can be tough to grasp, but with greater knowledge comes greater responsibility. Every repetitive thought you have will eventually manifest in your life. I’m not talking about fleeting, random thoughts, but the ones you consistently think. For instance, if you constantly berate yourself with negative labels like “I’m such an idiot,” these thoughts will influence your emotional state and actions.

Consider this: We think between 55,000 and 75,000 thoughts a day, and many of these are repetitive. Imagine the impact of repeating negative thoughts thousands of times daily. It’s no wonder many people struggle with depression and anxiety. Our minds cannot distinguish between real and imagined experiences. That’s why we cry during sad movie scenes or flinch during intense action sequences. Our emotions and physiological responses are triggered by the thoughts we entertain.

Let’s take this a step further. If you constantly consume media that portrays negative stereotypes or scenarios, your mind starts to believe that these are the norms. For example, if you only watch films where men are depicted as unfaithful, you might start to generalize this behavior to all men, despite knowing there are billions of people with diverse behaviors and values.

The same principle applies internally. What thoughts do you have about yourself when things don’t go as planned? Do you tell yourself, “Life is always against me,” or “I can never do anything right”? These thoughts create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you’re destined for failure or poverty because of your family background, you’re likely to make choices that reinforce these beliefs.

Our minds also don’t process negative commands well. If I tell you not to think of a red balloon, what are you picturing right now? A red balloon. Similarly, if you approach a task thinking, “This will be too hard,” your mind visualizes difficulty and creates a physical response, such as anxiety or a headache, which can hinder your performance. However, if you frame the task positively, saying, “This might be challenging, but I can handle it,” you set yourself up for success with a more open and motivated mindset.

Try out this exercise. Think about a mistake you’ve made recently. Instead of calling yourself an idiot, say, “I’m getting better with every try.” Notice how your posture and mood changes. Positive self-talk energizes you, making you more likely to try again and succeed.

Remember, your mind can’t tell when you’re joking. The roles you play, the thoughts you think, and the words you speak all contribute to your reality. Even actors often need to debrief with a therapist after intense roles to detach from the characters they’ve portrayed.

Take a moment to reflect on your life. Are you happy with your current results? If not, examine your thoughts. How have they contributed to your present situation, and how can you change them to create a better future?

To cultivate a positive mindset, ask yourself three questions when a thought arises:

  1. Does this thought serve me?
  2. Does it make me happy?
  3. Does it increase my well-being?

If the answer is no, it’s time to let that thought go. Train yourself to shift your focus within seconds. By choosing to think positively, you’re creating a beautiful life for yourself.


I hope you found inspiration in these words. Don’t just stop at reading—take action. Remember, I’m here as a sister and friend, ready to support you. Reach out if you need someone to talk to. Love and light.

Click the link to schedule a session and start your journey to freedom:


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Website: www.omgglobalconsulting.com

Email: info@omgglobalconsulting.com

Phone: +234 802 434 5481, +234 805 246 4116

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Let’s embark on this journey to happiness, fulfillment, and growth together!

Adeola is a Mind Genius, a seasoned Television & Content Producer, Stepmom Coach, Best Selling Author. She is a Life Giver, King maker and Love being, Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist with the School of Rapid Transformational Therapy, UK. Adeola is air, she gives people a reason to live, love and breathe, she is light, she brings clarity and understanding, she is love, she loves because it is who she is, she is vulnerability personified because she carries all she is boldly and unapologetically, and she is an example on earth that God exists.

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