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What you focus on becomes your focus

What you focus on becomes your focus

One of the key lessons I’ve shared over the past years is about thoughts. Your thoughts shape your feelings, which in turn influence your actions and ultimately, your results. If you find yourself facing negative outcomes, it’s often because you started with a negative thought. But what if you flipped that around? Instead of dwelling on negativity, you can foster positive thoughts and, in turn, positive results.

Here are seven practical ways to embrace positive thinking:

  1. Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool in shifting your mindset. No matter how tough a situation may be, there’s always something to be grateful for. Focusing on the positives, no matter how small, can change your energy. Each season of life will eventually end, making space for something new. Stay grounded by holding onto gratitude while navigating through challenges.

  1. Self-Affirmation

Learning to affirm yourself is crucial in today’s world, where comparison and judgment run rampant. Affirming yourself means speaking kind and loving words to yourself. Start with simple phrases like, “I love you just the way you are.” If you’re a Bible student, use affirmations from the Bible, such as “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” Write affirmations on your mirror or wall and say them every day. Love yourself, because nobody else can do it for you the way you need.

  1. Focus on Solutions

Many people are quick to point out why things won’t work, but seldom offer solutions. Choose to focus on solving problems instead of simply identifying them. This shift in mindset will help you move from negative to positive thoughts, leading to more favorable outcomes.

  1. Surround Yourself with Positive People

The people around you can influence your thoughts. Even if you are an optimistic person, being surrounded by negative energy can bring you down. Choose to be around people who believe in you and who encourage your growth. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community is essential for maintaining a positive mindset.

  1. Turn Negative Thoughts Around

Negative thoughts will come—it’s natural. The key is in how you handle them. Ask yourself three questions when negative thoughts arise: Is this serving me? Is this making me happy? Is this helping me grow? If the answer is no, it’s time to shift your thoughts. You have control over how long you entertain negativity.

  1. Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool for achieving your goals. Picture your desired outcome as vividly as possible. When you visualize success, you align your thoughts with the end goal, making it easier to take the steps needed to get there.

  1. Celebrate Wins

Celebrate every win, no matter how small. When you acknowledge and celebrate positive actions and thoughts, you reinforce them. What you celebrate gets repeated, so make a habit of celebrating your progress.

By practicing these habits, you can shift your mindset to one that fosters positivity, growth, and fulfillment. Remember, your thoughts are the starting point, and you have the power to control them.

Love and light.

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Website: www.omgglobalconsulting.com

Email: info@omgglobalconsulting.com

Phone: +234 802 434 5481, +234 805 246 4116

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Let’s embark on this journey to happiness, fulfillment, and growth together!

Adeola is a Mind Genius, a seasoned Television & Content Producer, Stepmom Coach, Best Selling Author. She is a Life Giver, King maker and Love being, Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist with the School of Rapid Transformational Therapy, UK. Adeola is air, she gives people a reason to live, love and breathe, she is light, she brings clarity and understanding, she is love, she loves because it is who she is, she is vulnerability personified because she carries all she is boldly and unapologetically, and she is an example on earth that God exists.

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